Monday, January 6, 2020

The Epidemic Of Hiv / Aids - 1065 Words

Although HIV/AIDS is on the rise together, we can put an end to the increasing numbers. Globally HIV/AIDS is growing rapidly by the end of 2015 the number of people infected and diagnosed could beat any of the previous year’s records. Shockingly enough, this statistic even stands true for our home state Kansas. These numbers may be rising because more people want to know their statuses and are becoming aware of the dangers hidden in this deadly virus. On the other hand, people may be living more risky life styles, foolishly thinking they are above catching HIV. Regardless of the reason, the numbers are too high when the quantity of new cases should be actively decreasing. HIV is an acronym and stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.†¦show more content†¦There are also some early symptoms of HIV; these symptoms often resemble the flu with many of the symptoms being the same. A few examples are fatigue, chills, fever, headache, and swollen lymph nodes. These can occur as early as 2 weeks to 2 months after exposure to the virus and can seem to go away rather quickly, another symptom that does not fit in with the flu like symptoms is a rash covering the body; this is caused by your immune system being attacked. Not saying every time you feel a bit under the weather you should run to the doctor to be tested but if your involved in any risky behavior its best to know and stay aware. After all, a painless test only takes a minute. Many people still think that HIV is a virus for gay men or drug users. While this is factual, HIV is in every economical type in the world. HIV does not halt with gay men and drug users; it is everywhere! HIV is transmitted several different ways. These include sharing needles for drug use, needle sticks, blood transfusions, breast-feeding, and sexual acts. If you are involved in any of these actions, YOU ARE AT RISK! It is hard to tell individuals how to live their lives but if your one of those people who feel like they must live life on the edge then you can still take all methods imaginable to stay safe and HIV free. Using a clean needle and never sharing your needles

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